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Combating Zinc Deficiency in Livestock

Paterson Supplements

Updated: Oct 15, 2023

Zinc deficiency can have significant impacts on the health and productivity of herds and flocks. Identifying the signs of zinc deficiency and implementing effective solutions is vital for optimal livestock performance. In this blog post, we delve into the signs of zinc deficiency and introduce Stock Roots Pasture, a revolutionary supplement product enriched with essential minerals, including zinc. Discover how this innovative solution enhances pasture health and provides a sustainable approach to combatting deficiencies in livestock.

Signs of Zinc Deficiency in Livestock:

  • Dull coat, poor hair quality, or compromised wool strength.

  • Reduced growth rates and weight gain.

  • Delayed wound healing and skin issues.

  • Decreased immunity and increased disease susceptibility.

  • Hoof problems and lameness.

  • Poor reproductive performance and subpar wool production.

  • Loss of appetite and reduced feed intake.

  • Reduced milk production in lactating animals (by 10 to 30%).

Introducing Stock Roots Pasture Product: A Holistic Solution:

  • Enhanced nutrient availability: Stock Roots Pasture enriches the pasture with essential trace minerals, including zinc, optimising the nutrient ratio over time.

  • Balanced supplementation: Grazing livestock naturally absorb trace minerals through nutrient-rich forage, promoting overall health and performance.

  • Improved pasture quality: Enriched pastures yield more nutritious forage, supporting livestock nutrition and well-being.

Stock Roots Pasture Supplements: The Science Behind It:

  • Spray application: Nutrients are applied to the pasture/soil, fostering plant growth, and improving the nutrient composition within the pasture itself.

  • Sustainable approach: Stock Roots Pasture aligns with natural grazing patterns, providing livestock with trace minerals in a form they have historically relied upon—via the pasture itself.

The Benefits of Stock Roots Pasture:

  • Enhanced livestock health: Adequate zinc and trace elements improve coat condition, growth rates, immune function, and reproductive performance.

  • Increased productivity: Healthy livestock and nutrient-rich forage result in higher milk production and optimal weight gain.

  • Sustainable farming practices: Stock Roots Pasture promotes long-term pasture health, enhances pasture growth, and reduces the dependence on artificial supplements.

Unlock Your Pastures Nutrition: By recognising the signs of zinc deficiency and implementing Stock Roots Pasture, farmers can address deficiencies in herds and flocks effectively. Experience the power of this innovative solution as it enriches the pasture, optimising zinc, and trace mineral availability for grazing livestock. Unlock the full potential of your livestock and pasture health with Stock Roots Pasture, leading to thriving herds/flocks, improved productivity, and sustainable farming success.

zinc deficient corn to healthy corn
Zinc deficient corn to healthy corn

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