B12 injections = cobalt deficiency
Why B12 Injections for Cobalt Deficiency Are Not the Answer.
Administering vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) injections to livestock, is like positioning the ambulance at the bottom of the cliff, rather than building a safety barrier at the top of the cliff. In regions where there is a cobalt deficiency it is impossible for livestock in the region to obtain sufficient cobalt without a supplement or injection. This signals an issue in our local region, but not one that lacks an alternative solution.

B12 Injections Provide Minimal Support.
B12 injections are beneficial and required for the livestock to maintain their health. However, while these injections are helpful, they point to one crucial problem: a diet low in natural cobalt levels. Livestock need to have higher levels of cobalt in their diet to help them maintain optimal health.
Today, it is increasingly challenging to maintain cobalt naturally: as we graze our livestock across the farm, we deplete the natural levels from our soil/pasture. Livestock have rumen micro-organisms, which convert cobalt into vitamin B12 (Cobalamin). With lower amounts of cobalt in the pasture, one can find the reason that the livestock has lower B12 levels.
Why Do Vitamin B12 and Cobalt Matter?
Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) has cobalt at its center, and it is the engine room for the creation of red blood cells, DNA, nerve tissue, lactation, energy production, and more. Cobalt is also necessary for nitrogen fixation in clovers (in addition to molybdenum), pasture root development, overall pasture growth processes, and even pasture metabolism for internal nutrient transfers. Unfortunately, livestock suffer life-threatening cobalt deficiencies that can impact their health, performance, and growth.
Is There Another Way Without Injections?
Instead of using vitamin B12 injections, there are other ways to ensure that livestock receive the exact nutrients they need. If people need to use B12 injections, there is something missing in the natural pastures. Why not seek to improve the quality of these natural pastures instead of using vitamin B12 injections?

Improve Your Pastures with Trace Minerals
Using the Stock Roots Pasture product with cobalt on your pasture will unlock a building process that will improve your grazing livestock growth, reproduction, immune defence, and energy levels -the backbone of all production. You can avoid injections by using Stock Roots supplements and naturally improve your livestock's quality.
More importantly, pastures also need cobalt for proper development and growth. So, it is a win-win situation for the livestock, the plants, and you. Improving your pasture and adding cobalt to your pasture, will provide a more balanced nutritional capacity for growth, increased nitrogen levels, greater fodder protein, and even more soil carbon.
With all these benefits, it's easy to see why the Stock Roots Pasture product is the way forward and one that eliminates the often-expensive B12 injections that only put a band-aid on the real issue.
The only way forward is to create more nutritious pastures, to provide your livestock with the nutritional resources to improve their health. To purchase the Stock Roots Pasture product, contact us today to improve your pastures and livestock performance.
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